The Port of Sines operates 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. It provides – to ships and goods – permanent services with high levels of productivity and safety, namely:
• Maritime traffic control service;
• Navigation aid service;
• Piloting service;
• Towing services (through a concession granted to Reboport and an activity license granted to Medtug Sines);
• Mooring services (through a concession granted to Reboport and an activity license granted to Pioneiro do Rio Sines);
• Cargo handling services with or without stevedoring (provided by port terminal concessionaires, namely CLT, Repsol, Portsines, REN Atlântico and PSA Sines) and merchandise storage;
• Waste reception service (reception of waste from ships is ensured on an exclusive basis through a sub-concession granted by the TGL – CLT – concessionaire to Ecoslops; reception of the remaining waste is ensured by specialist companies on a free competition basis );
• Stall supply service (through a concession granted to Petrogal for supply by fixed means, on an exclusive basis, at the TGL and TPQ terminals and an activity license granted to the same company for supply by barge at the remaining terminals) ;
• Utility supply service (distribution of water, steam and compressed air in the TGL area of influence ensured through a sub-concession granted by the TGL concessionaire – CLT – to Ecoslops. Water distribution in the remaining areas ensured by Ecoslops and other companies in free competition regime. APS only directly supplies electrical energy);
• Maritime transport service (through two activity licenses granted to Noquimar and Ocean Sea);
• Supply service for supplies, spare parts and other on-board consumables (provided by specialized companies under a free competition regime);
• Security, protection and environmental service, including prevention, intervention and combat against incidents/accidents, namely fire, explosion and spills, as well as ensuring environmental sustainability;
• Port information services.