JUL - Logistic Single Window


The Port of Sines is characterised by a strong maritime-rail inter-modality for hinterland traffic. In this context, the information management applied to the ship calls under the concept of "single window", was extended to the land transport calls, with great emphasis on the train calls.

Currently, the administrative processing of transport chains is fully supported electronically between shipping, the Port of Sines and the various actors throughout the hinterland through JUL - Logistics Single Window. This tool was developed in partnership with all national Port Authorities, Economic Agents present in the ports and Authorities (Customs, Maritime, Border, Health and Phytosanitary).

Information management is a very important aspect in the governance of JUL, so the Port of Sines has implemented an Information Security Management System, certified under the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard. The commercial confidentiality, protection of personal data and sensitive information is guaranteed through development rules, control procedures and awareness-raising for users and system administrators. The Information Security Management System is periodically audited and is subject to a continuous improvement process.

To this end, several guides for information interoperability are available, the most used being the following:











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 Industrial Unit









 Road Transport:


 CODECO (Gate in/out)


 Gate in/Gate out





 Dry Port:


 COPINO (Load/Unload)

 CODECO (Load/Unload Report)



 Load/Unload Report



 Rail Transport:


 Expedition Declaration


 Location of the Train





 Maritime Terminal:


 COPRAR (Load/Unload)

 IFCSUM (Cargo Manifest)

 COARRI (Load/Unload Report)











 Industrial Unit







 Road Transport:


 CODECO (Gate in/out)


 Gate in/Gate out

  Maritime Terminal:


 COPRAR (Load/Unload)

 IFCSUM (Cargo Manifest)

 COARRI (Load/Unload Report)



To access the system:


APS offers a support and helpdesk servisse to the JUL, 24x7, available for the three ports under the company's management. Contacts: telephone 269 860 780 or e-mail suporte.informatico@apsinesalgarve.pt

Summary declarations