
Decree-Law 508/77, from December 14 Creates Port of Sines Authority decreto-lei-508.77.pdf327 Kbytes
Decree-Law 337/98, from November 3 Changes the Company from Public to Private 100% State Owned decreto-lei-337.98.pdf199 Kbytes
Decree-Law 334/2001, from December 24 Changes APS, S.A. Statutes decreto-lei-334.2001.pdf103 Kbytes
Decree-Law 46/2002, from March 2 Changes APS, S.A. Statutes decreto-lei-46.2002.pdf92 Kbytes
Decree-Law 95/2010, from July 29 Changes APS, S.A. Jurisdiction Area decreto-lei-95.2010.pdf527 Kbytes
Decree-Law 44/2014, from March 20 Defines the transference of the commercial ports of Faro and Portimão to APS, S.A. decreto-lei-44.2014.pdf789 Kbytes

Note: Documents only available in Portuguese.